So, I've obviously been doing a lot, so here's a collage of pictures depicting a lot of my time thus far in Eichstätt:
Teaching country swing to those unfortunate
Europeans who never had a chance to learn it.
Studihaus mit Chiara (Italien), Laura (Italien), und Martin (Frankreich)
Bad Taste Party mit Cody (Illinois) und Chiara (Italien)
making pigs-in-a-blanket
So the pigs-in-a-blanket picture has a fun story to go with it. It was Ayaka's birthday and everyone was asked to bring something, so Cody and I are wondering what we can bring. We had snacks and drinks, so we thought about bringing something with more substance. "We can just make hotdogs," Cody pointed out, "That'll be pretty American." This led me to the awesome idea of making pigs in a blanket for everyone. While we're patting ourselves on the back for our great idea, a woman in the store overhears our conversation, and, after mistaking us for incompetent foreign college students with no idea of how to cook food, went and got us hot dog rolls, explaining in broken English that they were what we needed. After we explained to her in German what it was we were making, she realized our degree of competence was at least slightly higher than she had originally thought, and let us go on our way. Of course, they ended up being awesome.
Chillaxen' in Edith Stein mit Marta (Polen), Chiara (Italien),
Martin (Frankreich), another Chiara (Italy), und Laurent (Frankreich)
I totally rocked the toilette paper mummy costume. Also,
Cody's Braveheart costume was my idea. Just saying.
Chillaxin' in St. Michael
Some stuff I don't have pictures for:
I've been attending Zumba classes. For those of you who don't know what that is, check it out here. Essentially, it's dancing for exercise. It's a lot of fun. The fact that it's 30 girls and then me is pretty nice too. And I'm not going to argue with having a gorgeous instructor.
Speaking of dancing, the University Ball is tonight, and I made an attempt to learn waltzing and such. I'm better at swing dancing.
Classes are going well. U.S. Foreign Policy is easily my favorite class. Deutsch Landeskunde nach '45 is good too. The rest are all less exciting, yet essential, German language classes.
Haven't done much travelling yet, but plans are in the works. Potential destinations include England and Ireland (one trip), Rome, Prague, Greece, Turkey, and, of course, all over Germany. I'm contemplating going to Israel, as well, but that one will be a little bit pricey, so I don't know if it's going to happen. Russia would be cool too. If anyone's got recommendations, I'd be happy to hear them.
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