Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 0: Arrival

After eight or so hours in the air, an hour and a half in London, and about three hours of trains, I'm in Eichstätt. So far, so good. My roommates seem good, my apartment is awesome, and the town itself is great. It's quite small (apparently, the smallest university town in Europe), but I don't think that will be a problem for me. The weather is fantastic (so far). So far, it's been sunny and warm during the day and cool during the night.

University stuff doesn't start until Tuesday, October 4, so I'm not sure what I'll be doing until then. My roommates are doing a traditional Bavarian breakfast for me on Wednesday morning, which should be good. Oktoberfest runs until October 3, so I may make the three-hour trip back down there for that. Will keep you posted!

Pictures will be posted to Facebook and Google+. You should be able to view both without an account.

If anyone's interested, here's my address:
Jeff Wilson
Ostenstraße 4
85072 Eichstätt

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