Eichstätt is very small. Already, (I believe) I have seen most of it over the course of the three days I have been here. However, it's still got that new car smell so I haven't tired of it yet.
I now have
ein Handy ('cell phone' auf Deutsch ist '
Handy'), albeit one that does not work. I need to go back to the store soon to find out why this phone has no reception anywhere in Eichstätt. It does have a built-in flashlight, which is pretty cool. It also works as a radio and an alarm clock. If only it worked as a phone, too...
I walked into the kitchen the other day to find Doro, one of my flatmates, labeling everything in German for me. So far they've been great about helping me with my German (they all speak varying degrees of English, but are, for the most part, refusing to do so). Hopefully they don't tired of helping me along and continue to act like this, because that would be fantastic.
Today began with a 'traditional' Bavarian breakfast, courtesy of my flatmates. (Apparently, you have breakfast at 11:30 AM, but oh well.) We had pretzels,
Weißwurst (literally 'white sausage'), a sweet mustard, and beer. Pretzels: good;
Weißwurst: good; sweet mustard: okay; beer: still bad. For those hoping I'd come back from Germany with a change of heart towards alcohol, sorry guys; it's not looking good.
Later, Doro, Leo (another flatmate), and I made
Apfelkuchen. It got burned, but turned out tasty nonetheless.
I suppose that's all for now.